
A New Classroom

Then a crane came to the school. "What is the crane for?" asked Biff. "Wait snd see," said Mrs May. The children watched the crane. It lifted the classroom over the wall. Everyone watched the classroom. "Don't drop it," called Chip. Biff looked at the classroom. Something was wrong. "Mrs May! Mrs May!" called Biff. "Don't shout, Biff," said Mrs May. The crane put the classroom down. It put the classroom on the blocks. The crane lifted the roof and put it on the classroom. Something was wrong. "Mrs May!" called Biff. "Something is wrong." "Don't shout, Biff," said Mrs May. Everyone gasped.

The children were excited. They looked at the driver. This story is very funny because a new crassroom was upside down. It's pleasant! But Biff noticed something was wrong. But nobody would listen.The classroom was upside down. "Oh dear!" said Mrs May. "I said something was wrong," said Biff. "But nobody would listen." The crane put the classroom the right way up. The children wanted to look inside. The children went inside. Wilf saw a door. "What's in here?" asked Wilf. Everyone gasped. "Oh no!" said Wilf. Why? I don't know. Maybe they were totally self-absorbed, and had no attention for anything else. After that the children went inside. Inside of the classroom was upside down. It's a delightful!!
(222words, 5762words)

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