The title of my favorite movie is "IKIGAMI" which is directed by Tomoyuki Takimoto. The main actors of this movie are Shota Matsuda, Takashi Tsukamoto, Riko Narumi, Takayuki Yamada and others. Shota Matsuda acted “Hanayori-Dango”. Takashi Tsukamoto acted “Nadasousou”. Riko Narumi acted “Kiminishika-Kikoenai”. Also Takayuki Yamada acted “MW”.
IKIGAMI is a paper of telling about death . There is a law to preserve a national prosperity in Japan. “National prosperity maintenance law” This law is aimed at doing a country wealthily by letting the nation realize "value of the life" again. The notice is an identification of death notice called "IKIGAMI" (breath looks). The chosen few dies with about a one-1000th probability twenty four hours later after getting paper.
A main character is Kengo Fujimoto. He is twenty-five years old. He is a public employee of the Musashigawa ward office family register section duty. He is called "IKIGAMI deliverer" and works to deliver a lot of IKIGAMI. The person himself stands to be proud of this work, but there can be the thing that I often have doubt for this age.
Also Nanako Kubo is a woman clinical psychologist of Kokuhan-Service Center. The counseling room duty was established from Episode five in Musashigawa ward office. Actually she is one of the nucleus members of the later Musashigawa union.
Ishii is a chief at Musashigawa ward office family register section. He takes a role to order delivery of IKIGAMI with the boss of Fujimoto. He has the career that acted as "IKIGAMI deliverer" by oneself. From the setting that I participate in later "all combination", and presented "Yasushi minus number struggle", I hit a post-baby boom generation saying in real world once.
A national prosperity vaccination is obliged all nations of this country to base on national prosperity maintenance law. It is carried out at the time of elementary school entrance to school. "A nanocapsule" gets mixed with 0.1% of all syringes (used uniformly in a thing, the whole country called P5 type for Kokuhan-inoculations) used for a vaccination. In addition, I become the system which I do not understand besides the person concerned whom a nanocapsule was injected.
Nanocapsule drifts after an inoculation with a special nanocapsule getting mixed with a syringe of 0.1% in the body and finally remains in the pulmonary artery of the heart. And eighteen that vitality reaches the peak - It explodes at the date and time set beforehand to twenty- four years old, and the holder of the capsule dies. As for several years, this capsule is in the body, but can set death estimated time by a unit for one hour.
I watched this movie and thought that it was good to live in the times of now. I felt that it was happy now to live through this movie. Please watch "IKIGAMI" by all means.
(472words, 2513words)
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